Monday, February 4, 2013

Off Season Match Play

The guys just finished up their off season match play tournament at the end of January. The seeding was based upon fall tournament scoring averages. The majority of the matches were completed in the fall, but the championship match carried over into the spring. With our SCAC Championship being determined by match play, we will play the format more this fall so our guys will be comfortable with it come April. Congrats to TY for the big win!

Play-in Match:
(8)Stephen 2&1 (9)Blake

(1)Kalen 2up (8)Stephen
(5)Alex WD (4)Reddi
(6)Austin 3&1 (3)Felipe
(2)TY 1up (7)ELG

Kalen 1up Alex
TY 2&1 Austin

TY 1up Kalen