1. Become a better golfer. In order to improve, you need to assess your game. What are your strengths? What do your teammates/competitors do better than you? Ask your golf instructor want you need to work on. Formulate a plan with actionable steps to make you a better player. Implement the plan immediately.
2. Play tournaments. Play high school events, city events, play a local tour, play qualifiers for state and national events and play amateur events.
3. Win golf tournaments! Coach Herm Edwards explains it well here.
4. Create a golf resume and swing video. Include contact information, pertinent academic information, tournament results (tournament name, date, scores, finish, course, par and course rating) and golf pro’s name and number. Add a link to your swing video.
5. Research potential schools. Look at the university’s requirements for admission, areas of study and golf website. Are you a fit academically and athletically?
6. Send an email to the coach articulating your interest in the program. Attach your golf resume.
7. Focus on #1.
-Coach McConnell