For the current and future members of the Trinity Golf Community
13 Geoffrey Setiawan Trinity 73 74 72 219 +6
T 14 Blake Turner Trinity 73 71 76 220 +7
T 20 Erik Long-Goheen Trinity 76 73 72 221 +8
T 22 Austin Jung Trinity 76 72 74 222 +9
T 25 Matt McClure Trinity 75 72 76 223 +10
T 37 Warren Taylor Trinity 72 82 75 229 +16
T 40 Eric Davis Trinity 75 81 74 230 +17
T 49 Dan Maurer Trinity 81 74 81 236 +23
5 Trinity University 296 300 292 888 +36
Madison teaching a pitch.
For more information on The First Tee: http://www.thefirsttee.org/Club/Scripts/Home/home.asp
For more information about our San Antonio chapter: http://www.thefirstteesanantonio.org/Club/Scripts/Home/home.asp
My name is Emma Herzog and I am from Katy, Texas. This year I am a junior at Trinity, studying Marketing, Management, and Geology.
This past semester I studied abroad in Vienna, Austria. I studied through a program called IES and focused my studies to Business, Music, and German. While I was in Vienna I had the opportunity to travel Italy, Paris, Slovakia, Hungary, and Thailand. One of the highlights of the semester was being able to ski the Alps during the Thanksgiving holiday.
1. Become a better golfer. In order to improve, you need to assess your game. What are your strengths? What do your teammates/competitors do better than you? Ask your golf instructor want you need to work on. Formulate a plan with actionable steps to make you a better player. Implement the plan immediately.
2. Play tournaments. Play high school events, city events, play a local tour, play qualifiers for state and national events and play amateur events.
3. Win golf tournaments! Coach Herm Edwards explains it well here.
4. Create a golf resume and swing video. Include contact information, pertinent academic information, tournament results (tournament name, date, scores, finish, course, par and course rating) and golf pro’s name and number. Add a link to your swing video.
5. Research potential schools. Look at the university’s requirements for admission, areas of study and golf website. Are you a fit academically and athletically?
6. Send an email to the coach articulating your interest in the program. Attach your golf resume.
7. Focus on #1.
-Coach McConnell