Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Men: UTB Day 2

T3. Warren 73,74-147
5. The Big Fella 73,76-149
T11.Barry 80,77-157
T19. JA 80,82-162
24. Nash 78,87-165

2. TEAM 304, 309-613

The round got off to a slow start as fog blanketed the course and caused play to start and stop. When the fog burned off, the winds picked up and made controlling the ball difficult. Warren got off to another poor start, but played brilliantly coming home. Another great tournament for the first-year. Chase "the big fella" Clayton played a a solid tournament matching his ball striking with some solid work on the greens with his newly found belly putter. Barry's putting showed marked improvement the second round and will continue to be a point of emphasis in practice. JA actually played well with 13 clubs- his driver cost him a lot of penalty shots. And Nash-- we are just happy to get him back form the border patrol checkpoint in Sarita. That was a close one.

All in all, a second place finish and a fun trip to South Texas.

Women: UTB Day 2

2. Madison: 82,82-164
4. Olivia: 86,84-170
10. Julia: 90,90-180
11. Emma: 91 91-182
13. Anne: 86, 99-185

The women held on Monday to win their first title of the year! Madison played another great round and finished just two off the lead. Olivia's 170 total is her low for the year. The women look forward to continuing their good play at Schreiner's tournament in March.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Women: UTB Day 1

Madison 82
Olivia 86
Julia 90
Anne 86
Emma 91

TEAM 344

The women took the first round lead at the South Padre Island Golf Club. Paced by newcomer Madison Wallender, the women look to continue their good play tomorrow with an 8:00 am shotgun.

Men: UTB Day 1

Barry 80
JA 80
Warren 73
Nash 78
The Big Fella 73

TEAM 304

With teams still out on the course, we are 11 off the pace set by host UTB. Birdies were abundant, but so were big numbers. If we can manage to keep the ball in play and eliminate the double and triple bogeys, we will be in good shape come tomorrow afternoon. The forecast calls for 10-20 mph winds, so anything can happen.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Qualifying Update:Men

With a couple qualifying rounds in the books here is the order so far:

Warren and Chase
Lee and Josh

The winner is guaranteed a spot at the UTB tournament.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Spring Season Starts

Both the men’s and women’s team started our spring seasons last week. With team workouts and qualifying rounds underway, we are trying to get better everyday. Both teams start our competitive schedule Feb. 21 in South Texas.